Monday, April 13, 2009


I am doing much better... I'm trying the new Body by Glamour and incoporating much more salads into my diet. Also working out twice a day has turned from a chore to an evening pleasure. I wrote my goals down and I feel pumped up to knock out these last two months. I cannot wait for this semester to be over....I am impatient actually. I love an empty dorm and the summers to myself.
So let's hope these last two weeks go by very quickly and that my my bum gets super

Monday, April 6, 2009

No seriously...what in the name of all that's GOOD AND HOLY...just had a convo with a friend who said I was rude at lunch. I am a bit taken where is this coming from. This is why I don't roll with homies and associates. Team Yolande likes to keep it real low with one on one conversat
I have two months to get it together...I'm listening to the wind outside howling and I just want to crawl back into bed. I know that I have to do some major running to work on my butt, waist and hips...problem is I DEPLORE RUNNING. ahhh but it works. I did some self sabotage last night and helped myself to an oatmeal cream pie, peanut butter cookie and a pack of Jammers..all in less that 15 minutes. I sometimes wonder if I have a thyroid problem or just a huge love of sweets. I think if I don't see it, I'm in a much better place. So right now no snacks or junk in my room at all.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Size 8

I tried on a dress today size 8 and it did not FIT.
I'm done