Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ok, did my im cleaning up post just get deleted....i am not happy right now...ok lets change the scene around here. This blog is basically a mishmash of my everyday life. So I can tell you for the last few days I have been in seclusion...not for any cool reason, to protest Tibetan Monks or Children who are sex slaves....nah I turned another year older and it hit me HARD. So I'm feeling better and nothing makes me feel quite as good as talking about fashion, drinking water and Jackie O...
I plan to do a mega post on my favorite if you were to see me you would say UMMMM why do YOU like Jackie O. Well because my dear, she embraces everything I represent, class, intrigue, mystery, fashion and hopefully soon money. She is just an icon for what young women need to start looking up to and not the Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton's of the word. Sweet Jesus, can we pull that skirt down, can we go easy on the multicoloured eyeshadow...(let me catch my breath.
So im obsessed with basically anything Kennedy and I go to bookstores looking for Information and books on them. What a complex family and just soooo weird. They are a telanova all by themselves and I believe my generation of young people don't really take an intrests in there lives. Anyways... back to Jackie.. I read this book called " What would Jackie Do" by some chicks, and it just changed everything to me...they had tips and all sorts of stuff that Jackie believed in, her dinnerware, pyjamas everything so intresting. So tomorrow I will prepare to give you all some trivia concerning the book and her.

Well let me give you some stats:

I am taking 2 classes this summer Biology 101 and Physical Science 101 (belch)
I am on a diet (its working)
I'm starting my grad program this coming fall
I love clothes, though I can't fit into any othem because I've gained like 20 pounds (eek)

That's enough for now, so I will find some Madame Jackie and fill you in later

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