Thursday, March 5, 2009


Man oh man, I love J. Crew..I could end my post right there. I actually bought some stuff yesterday. I plunked that green money down so fast for two reasons. One because I wanted what I was about to purchase and two) because I wanted to show the person I was with a point. I'm so upset and frustrated (editor's note) I started this post last night and I'm starting it again at 5:11. Long story short I am MISERABLE in this relationship that I am in. He basically summed up our relationship with the words I was going to give you 2 hours. What... Long story short I am leaving to Jamaica in 2 days. I need to purchase some things for my trip. I need to go to the mall, Walmart etc. He has this habit of waiting till the last minute before sunset to clean his house and so on....I cannot shop, buy or anything after sunset on Friday which is another story :)
So....I wait and wait and WAIT and now he comes strolling in at 4pm saying oh we can go now..are you serious????!!!! I'm more upset at myself because I have let him get away with this sort of foolishness for too long.

Ahhh I'm sitting her in my office...just relaxing and enjoying my Friday evening. I'm also drinking my weight in water as I am trying to lose some weight before Monday. My butt literally has a life of its own, but I'm confident that by June I will be perfect. Remind me to stay away from sweets. Also eating late at night. I think I might be spending my weekend alone so I plan to make some really healthy choices. Someone told me in order to lose weight I should forgo meat...argghhh I LOVE MEAT!!(ewww that sounds a tad bit

Maybe I can let it go for two months and I will see what happens. I wish I was the sort of girl who could really stay away from chicken and such. As I am going to the beautiful island of Jamaica on Monday I hope that I will be able to turn my head away from goat, chicken, beef and all other sorts of meat they have in Jamaica.

I will try I love feeling healthier and though I am at the half way point I still feel good that I have been so consistent....I plan to really up my workout after this trip. I am staying at a hotel with a 24 hour gym, I will have no excuse to not run and do some weights.

Alright so the two things I leave you with are: My relationship is hanging on a thread and I plan to drink several litres of water and green tea today! Yipeeee;)