Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ahhhh..hello there

What a horrible blogger I am...I just got everything back to speed...so hopefully you will hear from me more often. Now what has changed since the last time I checked in. Well my bottom is much smaller thanks to grueling exercise and denial of sweets and treats. I have not cracked open my LSAT book in almost 2 months, geez louise I need to get back into the swing of things. My cousin is getting married in June, so I'm happily sweating and squatting for her upcoming nuptials...and work is going well. I still wish I was living in either NYC or California but I believe God has something brewing for me.

On the "fun-front" I am getting ready to go to Jamaica in less than 5 days. I do have some flight anxiety but I hope to remedy with some Tylenol PM..hahaha little druggie I am. Either than that I plan to bless the local JCrew with my presence and spend some money that I don't have. I need some cardies and some pants/shorts/skirts. I am not a summer person, so I hope to find some bright colours. How could I forget, I received a huge package from my Mummy..15 dresses, scarves and all manner of things. I hope she sends me some flat shoes for my trip I'm not quite a sandal girl...so nice trusty flats for me.

Now comes the solemn part of this post...

I, McKenzie plan to POST at least three times a day. I have no real excuse since I am an Internet junkie..I guess my procrastination issues get the best of me..I will try harder I promise.

I will now leave you with some CUPCAKE LOVE...I really need to get serious about this little side gig. I made some S'MORE Cupcakes...they turned out really well.
Hahhhaaa the cupcakes are all over this post...