Saturday, February 6, 2010


So this blogging thingy isn't going so well for me..I take super long breaks and I guess since I'm well aware that no one is reading it, so I kind of get lax with it. This shall change starting today. I will blog solely to keep track of my progress in all things McKenzie. So for this inaugural part deux post I will list some of things that I want to accomplish by May 25th my birthday;

1) lose 15 pounds
2) Finish ALL course work
3) Run a 5k
4) Salsa Dance
5) Find a job I like/love
6) Feel confident with the LSAT
7) own a pair of Christian Louboutins (hey back off I can be frivolous)
9) Eat 90% Vegetarian/Vegan
10) Perfect conversational French
11) Get in a serious relationship

So there you have it..I'm sure I will add some of things but for now that's the short list. Some things that you might not know.
1) I've been singing for almost 20 years
2) I'm legally blind in my left post to come
3) I'm obsessed with fashion
4) I just quit my job
5) I taking the LSAT in June
6) I literally have a dozen lip glosses in my purses
7) don't even get me started on purses :)
8) I'm a foodie and my hips hate me for it
9) I have commitment issues
10) I'm religious

check back with me as I change my life:)

*hosting Haiti Relief Concert Sunday Feb 7, 2010
*producing a commercial for Crawford Adventist Academy

1 comment:

  1. re. your LSAT, you might find our free podcast helpful.


twinkly thoughts