Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Losing the LAST !5 POUNDS and a Novel

So long story short I gained a lot of weight in the last two years and with some hard work and dedication I've taken more than half off. For some reason either my body is lazy or maybe my consumption of cookies have stalled my recent weight loss efforts. I have never had so much weight issues in my life as I've had in the last 4 years and I know once you get older your metabolism slows but this extra 15 is driving me bananas. I am doing the Lose It app on my Ipod-which is a daily tracking of my caloric consumption and trying to stay away from crappy food. In Alabama I tend to eat more of a plant/fruit driven diet but being in Toronto has kind of side swiped me. I'm back on the plan and exercising regularly so hopefully this weight will be off by my birthday in May. I really want to be 130-135 by my birthday. My goal weight 125 pounds which is small but where I feel best. I believe that once I find a job ( OH LORD I NEED A JOB) the weight will drop off. I tend to be skinnier whilst working, its kind of weird but it works for me. So though everything feels soggy I will persevere and remind myself that being healthy and fit is important because my body is a temple.

On the GET MY LIFE IN ORDER front, I took a test which basically proved to me that Media and/or Law is right up my alley. I know I belong on television I just have to find a way to get my foot in the door. I also got some disappointing news regarding a class, totally my fault I can't believe sometimes how much of a slacker I was..but I plan to rectify that wrong as soon as my check comes in the mail. I also started on which will hopefully be my first NOVEL!! Yes, the test also said that I could be an author and to be honest I always have movie and book plots floating through my head so I thought I would put some creativity down on paper. I have 3 chapters finished so far and its turning into a May-December Psycho Romance. Teenage Black girl falls in love with middle aged politician. Yeahhhh crazy huh;) Unfortch the contact front has not being going that well and the LSAT studying was interrupted by my crazy younger brother. I have to invest in laptop hopefully a MAC very soon.

I'm off to study/surf the net hee hee

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