Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shape Up

I've kind of fallen off the wagon..I did mention that in my last post. I looked over my diet and I have been eating some ish that is totally out of control and not in my plan. I do commend myself for at least realizing that I'm eating junk and making a concerted effort to stop. I believe that once you start eating junk food you start to crave it and of lately I've been craving it badly. I do believe part of this has to do with my cycle but I think in lieu of my personal life eating crap has just made me feel plain good. I tend to stress eat so I have to be very careful of what I eat and my portions. I also find that my sleeping habits are out of wack again so I have to be more diligent in making sure I'm actually laying down by 11:30 no later than 1am.

So yesterday my meals included

Green Tea
5 spoonfuls of Oatmeal

Jason's Deli Bird to the Wise/ SO FATTENING but tasty. I ate the sandwich in two parts..and I also had a bag of chips and a serving of steamed veggies. I plan to buy some groceries today because I've been eating out like crazy and I rather be in control of what I eat. I also had about 7 peanut-butter saltine sandwiches and some jolly ranchers and peach tea..

so yeah I need to quit and start eating much cleaner. Fruits & Veggies minimize the carbs.

I'm still working out I wish my thighs and stomach would get smaller I feel so hippy but I know I can lose the weight I just have to watch my intake and try walking a few times a night.
Today is a busy day so off I go..wish me luck with my meals and my overall health:)

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