Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here I am the desk typing away to myself (lol) but let the show go on...

Lots of things are happening right now and I'm preparing for some big changes over the next few months. I sometimes have issues with following through and this year I cannot afford it. I have a birthday coming up and I'm pretty OK with it. I know my gift to myself will be going to grad school and eventually becoming a fit and healthy girl. My weight loss week with my mother here was a hard week for me. I ate everything I had been craving for the last few months..but it was good now I'm over it and I'm eating healthy again. I bought a Jillian Michael's video and its literally kicking my tail..but its good to shake it up sometimes I still have a lot of butt, thighs and stomach to get rid of.

Nothing new on the relationship front..I'm still just doing what I normally do just floating around. School will begin to kick my tail very soon but its good to kind of have a distraction. Things at work are all right, I would love to make a change but right now my options are very limited and I know I just have to hang in there and do what has to be done.

I have a few trips coming up this summer so I'm looking forward to it and just having fun. My boo's bday is coming up in a few weeks...48 WOWZA who would have thought I need to get him something for William Sonoma with the quickness...

I'll check in later back to watching BIGGEST LOSER, drinking water and plotting my escape to Walmart to pick up some chicken and veggies...

see ya