Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jillian Michaels

Hi Everyone..

Jillian Micheal's is literally kicking my ASS! My LORD that lady is tough. I'm totally enjoying her workout which promises to make you lose 5 pounds in one week. I'm not sure if that's true, but I am in pain and my core is killing me. The workouts are broken into 6 sessions and each session is challenging and difficult. Well let me take that back, they aren't difficult but if if you are look for a cute workout..please do not buy this DVD. One thing that she says many times during the video is "DO NOT PHONE IT IN"..whenever she says that I laugh, because many times we don't accomplish our goals because we simply "phone it in". It took me awhile to get to the point where I know that my body and mind realize that I cannot eat wings every night. I used to be quite vain about my body and for a long time I had one of the best bodies in my inner circle. I didn't eat junk and when I did, I had to my fill and moved on. The last few months I have become obsessed with food. I'll be eating breakfast and wondering what's for lunch lol.

Well, I'm doing much better..I do have moments where I want a huge burger but normally I can control my cravings and just eat something healthy. I do still have a problem with eating at night. For some reason around 3 am I get very hungry..I always say that I'm going to drink some water..but normally I reach for the nearest thing around me. I also believe that having one cheat day is very important. I normally use Saturday as that day, and since my boyfriend is vegetarian I normally eat much less meat than before.
This is becoming a diet blog..not sure if I like it..but ahhh well