Friday, May 15, 2009

Why didn't I get MARRIED

Wooooo this is doozy. I was on the phone with my mother a few hours a go talking about relationships and my lack of a stable one. I am dating someone but its anything but stable and I am completely aware of this. I decided to walk timidly down memory lane to "visit" some of the men that I've dated. Now I believe in putting God in the middle of your relationships... with many of them I didn't because I don't think a lot of them deserved to meet yet very true. I do think I date the same sort of person...the guy who comes at you very fast but has no staying power. The guy who promises you loads of things but cannot follow through. As for me..I know I'm a difficult person to date. I can be very opinionated and strong-willed but I wonder if any of these guys had any real intentions towards me. This isn't a sad post about unrequited love..because I totally believe that "everything happens for a reason".....

I know one thing, that I do expect the best from whomever I date..and I will quickly cut the relationship off the person becomes selfish or mean. The relationship I'm now in is going nowhere fast but there is a "sweet relief" to that. I'm not one to make unrealistic I haven't stated what I want or need from this relationship.. I do feel myself being drawn to someone, I think I may have pushed them away. I pray that this is not the case, because he's one of those guys you could totally marry and be happy forever with. I went as far as to delete him off Facebook..WHY DID I DO THAT!! I can tell you why my friends..I was on my frigging period and literally a raging lunatic...anyways..Have any of you ever liked two people at the same time. Should I leave this guy alone and just focus on my relationship with my "boyfriend"..let me know....
